Wednesday 24 October 2012

How to kill tomcat process in linux

Find and kill tomcat process in linux with below steps:

Step 1 : Find the process id of the tomcat process:

Use  following commands to find tomcat process:

ps -ef  | grep tomcat  :here try with capital Tomcat as well

if not found with above command use below command :

ps -ef  | grep java

if still not found with above commands use below command which lists down all the processes and  go through each processes one by one to find tomcat process:

ps -ef

In above commands
-e :select all process
-f  : list down all the processes

Note *:Check command man ps for more options.

Step 2: From above steps we will able to find out tomcat process pid. use below command to
 kill the process

kill -9 pid

-9 is special Kill signal, which will kill the process. There is very less chance of failing single with option -9.

Note *:Check command man kill for more options.

Step 3 :execute step 1 to check whether tomcat process is killed or not.

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